
  • Boy on ladder showing blue sky thinking in Breakfast Town blog on launching a brand

    Starting A New Business? What About Your Brand?

      If you Google ‘launching a business’ you can find top tips for success. These include solid advice about market testing, product excellence, consumer analysis, cost control and promotional planning. Few of them, though, place much emphasis on launching a brand. I am in awe of people who launch new products or services – the […]

  • Visuals of Bristol Rugby’s rebranding in one of Breakfast Town’s branding blogs

    Bristol Rugby Rebrands To Bristol Bears: This Rebrand Is Personal

    I have lived in London all my adult life, yet can’t wait to tell people I’m a West Country boy, from Bristol to be exact. By which, I mean NOT Bath, and not Gloucester – I’m from Bris. What is not to love about a youth spent playing rugby on a weekend, while skimming the […]

  • Visual of lightbulb in one of London branding agency Breakfast Town’s branding blogs on caring in advertising

    Making Ads: Does Anyone Care?

    Last year I was watching a new commercial for MacBook Pro and really enjoyed it. The premise that ‘ideas push the world forward’, accompanied by a journey through some of the ideas that did (and some that didn’t), connected by a chain of exploding ‘lightbulb moments’ encouraged me to think that the MacBook Pro must […]

  • A picture saying Truth as part of Breakfast Town’s branding blog

    Are Today’s Brands More Truthful?

    Is it true to say that 20 years ago the role of ‘branding’ was to create a buffer between perception and reality? Was the role of advertising and PR to ‘create’ the brand which customers, staff, commentators, politicians, journalists, pressure groups and regulatory bodies consumed? And is it possible that this creation might have had […]